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Unwind with Camping Yoga – Best Poses and Tips

Yoga is an age-old ancient practice that offers physical as well as some the mental health benefits for people of all ages. Yoga has completely transformed the lives of people dealing with any kind of chronic illness.

A yoga therapist can put together individualized plans which work with their medical and surgical therapies. Yoga has slow movements and very effective deep breathing techniques that increase blood flow and warm muscles. Holding a yoga pose can build strength.

Unwind with Camping Yoga - Best Poses and Tips

If you diligently practice Yoga, it can reduce stress levels and contribute to healthy hearts. Many chronic factors contributing to heart disease such as excess weight and high blood pressure can be properly addressed through Yoga.

Studies have shown that one experiences fewer negative feelings and increased mental and physical energy after getting into a routine of practicing Yoga. Nothing is more Zen than practicing Camping Yoga outdoors.

If you have an outdoor space/ lawn or a park where you live, you can simply bring a mat and start practicing Yoga outdoors. This helps you connect with the nature surrounding you and adds a new dimension to your practice. Following are some best yoga poses and tips for an outdoor Zen experience


Also known as the Garland pose, this beautiful squat is almost every yoga enthusiast’s favorite! Malasana relieves you of the lower back pain, opens the hips and you can further go and expand your horizons on how you can do some variations in the pose.

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Many beginners often struggle with dropping their heels to the ground. One must make sure that they spin their heels and toes out. If one wants to go a little advanced and perform full Malasana, they have to put their feet together, knees wide and the torso in a forward fold with an arm wrapped behind.

Chaturanga Dandasana

This pose is also called the Four-limbed staff pose and is one of the most common postures in Vinyasa Yoga. It is one of the most pivotal Yoga poses, and to create a proper alignment, one must activate the muscles from the front to the back of the body. Tightening the elbows close to the ribs is also crucial instead of letting them lay outward.

Chaturanga Dandasana
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This helps your chest to stay up in a hover. It is also important to energize your legs and arms and activate your shoulders to stay stable in the pose. You should also tighten your legs by activating your calf muscles and flexing your ankles.

It is important to keep your core engaged and avoid modifying this pose; otherwise, it could lead to a shoulder weakness or an injury.

Utthita Trikonasana

This pose helps you release your lower back and expand your mind and body. This is a quintessential standing pose that strengthens your entire body and stretches it! It not only stretches the hamstrings but also activates the abdominal muscles.

Utthita Trikonasana
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This pose also called the extended triangle pose, requires concentration, balance, body awareness, and a steady breath. If you practice this Yoga pose consistently with dedication, it enhances your digestion and relieves stress.

While doing this pose one should remember to not bring their shoulders below their elbows or bend their elbows beyond a 90-degree angle.

Crescent lunge

This pose, also called Anjaneyasana, helps in mobility in the feet, improves your balance and stability, and strengthens the legs. This pose is a useful counter-stretch for front-load-bearing workouts such as running and cycling. It helps you open your chest, shoulders as well as torso.

Crescent lunge
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You can practice this pose to build your balance and stability. You must drop your left knee to the mat and bring your hands to the right knee and the right knee to your right ankle.

After that, all you must do is inhale, raise your arms above your head, and keep the arms in line with your ears.

Salamba Sirsasana

Also known as a Tripod Headstand, this pose is one of the easiest inversions for balancing because of the large foundation. You have to lay the crown of your head flat on the ground. While doing this, your hands should be about shoulder-width apart, and elbows should stack over the heels of your hands. You should curl your toes under and then straighten your legs to enter a dolphin pose.

Salamba Sirsasana
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It is important to focus on keeping your elbows and draw your shoulders away from the ground. This will help them prevent collapsing into your neck. This pose helps you stimulate your nervous system and also increases the lung capacity and blood flow.

This pose also helps stimulate pineal and pituitary glands, which aids the production of sex hormones.


Also known as camel pose, this pose has an array of benefits. It strengthens your chest and abdomen and tones the glutes and hamstring muscles. This pose helps release the cervical tension while stretching the neck in the backend. This pose also improves your spinal mobility.

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It would be best if you stood on your shins with your hip and your knees wide apart. You should drop your tailbone when you wrap your hands around your hips. After that, you should lift your heart up you roll your shoulders and heads back.

Mountain pose

Also known as Tadasana, the mountain pose needs one to be aligned properly, which shows one’s body parts in an ideally arranged manner.

Mountain pose
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For doing this pose, you have to stand upright by keeping 2 inches between your feet. You must keep your feet grounded evenly through the feet and lift them up through the crown of the head.

Final words

After diligently practicing all these poses, one is likely to experience the physical benefits of Yoga such as increased flexibility, weight reduction, cardio and circulatory health, improved respiration, and vitality.

Apart from these physical benefits, practicing Yoga also leads to many mental benefits such as creating mental calmness and clarity, increasing body awareness, relaxing the mind, and sharpening concentration.

Yoga is also known to strengthen the parts of the brain which play a pivotal role in memory, awareness, attention and thought. Research has shown that Yoga improves executive functions such as decision-making, learning, memory, and reasoning.

Thus, incorporating Yoga in your daily life and camping will elevate your life and lift you physically, spiritually, and emotionally!

Written by Emma Parker

Hi, I'm Emma Parker, a passionate outdoors enthusiast and blogger. I love nothing more than exploring the great outdoors and sharing my experiences with others.

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